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Can Houston Car Accident Victims Sue Drunk Drivers?

Four people died in a car crash on I-35 in Kyle when they were struck by a driver who was going south in the northbound lanes. In the van that was struck, the driver, a mother and father and their 16-month-old son were all killed. Only a six-year-old girl and her three-year-old sister survived despite their car seats being crushed.

The driver who caused the crash was later identified as a Texas State University student. Although he was taken to the hospital in critical condition, he survived and was in good condition. A blood search warrant was issued based on suspicion of alcohol being involved.

While this terrible event may seem like an isolated incident, it unfortunately marks the third wrong way fatal accident on I-35 since August of last year. In both of those other cases, the drivers who caused the fatal crashes were intoxicated. The National Transportation Safety Board has found that across the United States, alcohol is the leading cause of this kind of accident.

What Happens After a Drunk Driving Accident in Houston?

In the previous two wrong way accidents in Texas, the drivers were charged with intoxication manslaughter. The Texas State student will be charged with four counts of the same charge if alcohol is to blame. Although those charges can provide some sense of justice for the victims’ families, it can’t bring their loved ones back. Criminal charges also can’t help with the burden that’s often left behind when someone passes away unexpectedly. Helping a family during this time is why it’s common to file a wrongful death lawsuit.

In addition to fatal Texas accidents involving alcohol, there are also plenty that don’t end in death. However, victims of those accidents can still sustain very serious injuries. Those injuries can result in significant medical bills, as well as other issues like being unable to work for a period of time. If someone finds themselves in that type of situation, they’re going to wonder if they have any legal avenues to pursue.

The answer is that a victim of a drunk driving accident can file a civil suit against the driver. This type of legal action is separate from any criminal proceedings that a drunk driver may face. Bringing forward a suit provides a Houston car accident victim with a chance to secure compensation for economic damages like medical bills and lost wages, as well as non-economic damages like pain and suffering.

Protect Your Rights By Contacting a Houston Car Accident Attorney

Although some civil suits go in front of a jury, many are settled out of court. The best way for the victim of a car accident to deal with this kind of situation is by getting in touch with a Houston car accident attorney. If you’ve been injured by a drunk driver, contacting a Houston car accident attorney will provide them with an opportunity to evaluate your specific situation and then discuss the best way to move forward through the legal system.

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